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What is the impact of Bond resources
on attainment levels in 11+ exams?

In early 2017, we ran a study to evaluate the impact of Bond resources on attainment levels in 11+ style tests.

A sample group of 92 pupils in Year 5 were selected to take part. The study group was asked to sit a mock 11+ exam at the start of the study and the group was then split into a Bond group and a Comparison group for an 8-week intervention period.

Participants in the Bond group were given a small selection of Bond resources and instructions for usage over an eight-week period. Participants in the Comparison group were asked to continue with their usual home learning activity during this same eight week period but could not use any Bond materials. 

After the intervention period, both groups took another mock 11+ exam.

What were the key findings?

The study showed that children using Bond material within the trial achieved a greater improvement in test scores, on average, than those using alternative resources or no resources.

The average overall scores after the intervention period were 4% higher for the Bond group than the Comparison group. In addition, 61% of the Bond group achieved higher scores in the post-intervention test versus the pre-intervention test, compared to 42% of the Comparison group achieving higher scores.

Scores on comprehension questions showed the greatest improvement in the average test scores compared to other subjects for the Bond group.

The study showed that, overall, the more time that was spent using the Bond resources, the greater the improvements in average scores.

Both Bond’s printed and Bond Online resources were rated as at least 'good' by the majority of parents and learners using the materials in the study.

Download our summary leaflet for more information on the study.

Bond Impact Summary Cover


This product has been evaluated using the Oxford Impact Framework. The Framework is a systematic approach to evaluating the impact of Oxford University Press products and services, developed through a unique collaboration with the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and supported by the Oxford University Department of Education.
